Using economics and data science to measure the economy.
PhD Economics, University of Ottawa, 2013-2017.
B.SocSc Economics, University of Ottawa, 2009-2012.
European Summer School in Environmental Economics, Venice International University, 2015.
Visiting Scholar, University of Michigan, 2015.
Principal researcher, Statistics Canada, 2024–present
Data scientist, Government of Canada, 2022–2024.
Economist, Statistics Canada, 2017–2022.
Part-time professor of economics, University of Ottawa, 2016–2018.
Martin, S. (2024). piar: Price Index Aggregation in R. Journal of Open Source Software, 9(101): 6781.
Martin, S. (2021). A note on general decompositions for price indexes. Prices Analytical Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue 62F0014M.
Martin, S. (2020). Gearing up to stay open: Trends in businesses’ needs for personal protective equipment since July. Statcan COVID-19: Data Insights for a Better Canada. Statistics Canada Catalogue 45-28-0001.
Martin, S. (2020). Gearing up to restart: Businesses’ need for personal protective equipment. Statcan COVID-19: Data Insights for a Better Canada. Statistics Canada Catalogue 45-28-0001.
Martin, S. and Rouleau, B. (2020). An exploration of work, learning, and work-integrated learning in Canada using the Longitudinal and International Study of Adults. LISA Research Paper Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue 89-648-X.
Heyes, A., Kapur, S., Kennedy, P., Martin, S., and Maxwell, J. (2020). But What Does it Mean? Competition between Products Carrying Alternative Green Labels when Consumers are Active Acquirers of Information. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 7(2): 243-277.
Martin, S. (2019). Methodology of the Residential Property Price Index (RPPI). Prices Analytical Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue 62F0014M.
Martin, S. (2019). Moral management in competitive markets. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 28(3): 541–560.
Kirby-McGregor, M. and Martin, S. (2019). An R package for calculating repeat-sale price indices. Romanian Statistical Review, 3/2019: 17-33.
Martin, S. (2018). The association between job flexibility and job satisfaction. Insights on Canadian Society. Statistics Canada Catalogue 75-006-X.
Heyes, A. and Martin, S. (2018). Inefficient social labels: Strategic proliferation and fragmentation in the market for certification. Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 27(2): 206–220.
Martin, S. (2018). In sickness and in health: The association between health and household income. LISA Research Paper Series. Statistics Canada Catalogue 89-648-X.
Heyes, A., Lyon, T. P., and Martin, S. (2018). Salience games: Private politics when public attention is limited. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 88: 396–410.
Martin, S. and Rivers, N. (2018). Information provision, market incentives, and household electricity consumption: Evidence from a large-scale field deployment. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 5(1): 207–231.
Heyes, A. and Martin, S. (2017). Social labeling by competing NGOs: A model with multiple issues and entry. Management Science, 63(6): 1800–1813.
Heyes, A. and Martin, S. (2016). Fuzzy products. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 45: 1–9.
Heyes, A. and Martin, S. (2015). NGO mission design. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 119: 197–210.
Martin, S. (2024). piar: Price Index Aggregation. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10110046, R package version 0.7.0,
Martin, S. (2024). sps: Sequential Poisson Sampling. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10109857, R package version 0.5.4,
Martin, S. (2024). gpindex: Generalized Price and Quantity Indexes. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10097742, R package version 0.6.2,
Martin, S. (2024). rsmatrix: Matrices for Repeat-Sales Price Indexes. doi:10.5281/zenodo.10110159, R package version 0.2.8,
Biennial meeting of Statistics Canada’s Price Measurement Advisory Committee (Ottawa, 2019).
52nd Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (Montreal, 2018).
Annual meeting of the Canadian Public Economics Group (Montreal, 2016).
50th Annual Conference of the Canadian Economics Association (Ottawa, 2016).
4th Canadian Early Career Workshop in Environmental Economics (Ottawa, 2016).
14th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (Philadelphia, 2016).
EAERE-FEEM-VIU European Summer School (Venice, 2015).
5th World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists (Istanbul, 2014).
12th Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (Chicago, 2014).
Outstanding Contribution Award, Statistics Canada, 2020.
Youth Leadership Award, Statistics Canada, 2018.
Pierre Laberge prize for outstanding doctoral thesis, University of Ottawa, 2018.
Joseph-Armande Bombardier Canadian Graduate Scholarship, SSHRC, 2015 ($105,000).
Ontario Graduate Scholarship, Government of Ontario, 2014 ($15,000).
Excellence Scholarship, University of Ottawa, 2014 ($28,296).