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There are several classes to represent price indexes.

  • All indexes inherit from the piar_index virtual class.

  • Period-over-period indexes that can be chained over time inherit from chainable_piar_index.

  • Fixed-base indexes inherit from direct_piar_index.


The piar_index object is a list-S3 class with the following components:


A list with an entry for each period in time that gives a vector of index values for each level in levels.


A list with an entry for each period in time, which itself contains a list with an entry for each level in levels with a named vector that gives the additive contribution for each price relative.


A character vector giving the levels of the index.


A character vector giving the time periods for the index.

The chainable_piar_index and direct_piar_index subclasses have the same structure as the piar_index class, but differ in the methods used to manipulate the indexes.