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Price update the weights in a price index aggregation structure.


# S3 method for class 'piar_aggregation_structure'
update(object, index, period = end(index), ..., r = 1)



A price index aggregation structure, as made by aggregation_structure().


A fixed-base (direct) price index, or something that can be coerced into one. Usually an aggregate price index as made by aggregate().


The time period used to price update the weights. The default uses the last period in index.


Not currently used.


Order of the generalized mean to update the weights. The default is 1 for an arithmetic index.


A copy of object with price-updated weights using the index values in index.

See also


# A simple aggregation structure
#            1
#      |-----+-----|
#      11          12
#  |---+---|       |
#  111     112     121
#  (1)     (3)     (4)

aggregation_weights <- data.frame(
  level1 = c("1", "1", "1"),
  level2 = c("11", "11", "12"),
  ea     = c("111", "112", "121"),
  weight = c(1, 3, 4)

pias <- as_aggregation_structure(aggregation_weights)

index <- as_index(
  matrix(1:9, 3, dimnames = list(c("111", "112", "121"), NULL))

weights(pias, ea_only = FALSE)
#> $level1
#> 1 
#> 8 
#> $level2
#> 11 12 
#>  4  4 
#> $ea
#> 111 112 121 
#>   1   3   4 

weights(update(pias, index), ea_only = FALSE)
#> $level1
#>   1 
#> 916 
#> $level2
#>  11  12 
#> 268 648 
#> $ea
#> 111 112 121 
#>  28 240 648 